Thank you downloading this totally free screensaver " Beatles v 2.0 ", and for reading these few lines.
This screensaver is the second one I carry out.The next, " Imagine John Lennon v 1.0 ", is still available For free on the site "Beatles Homage by BN".
A small application "KaraokΘ Imagine by BN" is available For free on the site "Beatles Homage by BN".
Hoping you like my work, I will appreciate any comment.
If you choose to keep these free products, or wish to dipach them to others ? Be nice to respect the following requests :
1. Join the text you are reading each time you duplicate or distribute the products.
2. Not use my work for commercial purposes
3. Considering my production of some value, so small a price, please send the money to any humanitary or caritative organisation you choose.
Sales and marketing manager in France, for 15 years, I built a knowledge in data processing, from all professional office automation, to sites internet and intranet designing. I am familiar to CAM, CAD
To be on the Net, develop and gain notoriety, to promote your goods, show your products or artistic works To have your own personnal or labeled screenwaver.
Reach me on the net, I am at your disposal
Actually unemployed, I would consider any proposal. Missions, given or unspecified duration contracts. Full time or part time work.
INSTALL Screensaver, click on the file Beatles2.0_setup.exe, then follow the instructions to the screen, at the end of that, on program group named BEATLES SCR 2.0 by BN will be in the menu to start, and a short cut will be on your desktop, this enabling you to launch the screensaver directly, but of course you can parameterize it in properties of display and make your screensaver of it by default.
UNINSTALL screensaver, by Add/Remove programs of Windows, or by the Uninstall shortcut appearing in the program group BEATLES SCR 2.0 by BN . Only click and the whole of the components of the screensaver are remove properly and completely.